Hydroponic Evaluation of Growth and Nutrient Uptake in a Lolium/Festuca Introgression Series

Autor: Caron Evans, John Harper, Ian Armstead, R. Mathews, Dagmara Gasior, Andrew D. Thomas, Mervyn O. Humphreys, D. K. Allen
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics ISBN: 9783319895772
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-89578-9_44
Popis: Introgression breeding represents a useful method for generating new germplasm resources which combine positive attributes from different species. Within forage grasses, the interfertility of Lolium and Festuca spp. represents a viable route for achieving this end. In order to evaluate the architecture of trait inheritance within this introgression context, a complete chromosome introgression series of F. pratensis (Fp; meadow fescue) in the L. perenne (Lp; perennial ryegrass) background, and derived progeny, were evaluated for shoot and root biomass and N and P uptake in a hydroponic experiment. The results indicated that the Fp parent and the monosomic introgressions relating to Fp chromosomes 3 and 4 showed enhanced shoot and root biomass. However, there was no clear relationship between these phenotypes of the Fp chromosome 3 and 4 monosomic introgressions and that of their derived, respective, progenies. Thus, the interaction between the Lp and Fp genomes in determining phenotype is likely to be complex.
Databáze: OpenAIRE