Patrera philipi Duperre & Tapia, 2016, sp. nov

Autor: Nadine Duperre, Elicio Tapia
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6081755
Popis: Patrera philipi sp. nov. Figs 41–45 Diagnosis Males are distinguished from all other species of the genus by their massive ventral tegular projection and thin, elongated embolus (Fig. 41). Females are distinguished by the lateral epigynal grooves curving inwardly (Fig. 44). Etymology The speciFc name is in honour of Philip Bertkau. Type material Holotype ECUADOR: Ƌ, Cotopaxi Province, Otonga Biological Reserve, 4–7 Sep. 2014, hand collected in moss, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (QCAZ). Other material examined ECUADOR: Cotopaxi Province, Otonga Biological Reserve: 1 Ƌ, 1 ♀, sifting moss, 1 Ƌ, general collecting, 6 ƋƋ, 2 ♀♀, beating trees, 1 ♀, hand collecting, 24–30 May 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 6 ƋƋ, night collecting, 00.41941° S, 78.99607° W, 1717 m, 24–30 May 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 7 ƋƋ, 1 ♀, night collecting, 00.41564° S, 79.00425° W, 2105 m, 24–30 May 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (AMNH); 4 ƋƋ, 2 ♀♀, night collecting, 00.41994° S, 79.00623° W, 1997 m, 4–7 Sep. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (QCAZ); 3 ƋƋ, 2 ♀♀, beating, 00.41564° S, 79.00425° W, 2105 m, 4–7 Sep. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 4 ƋƋ, general collecting, 5–7 Sep. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 1 Ƌ, 1 ♀, beating, 3 ♀♀, sifting moss, 4–7 Sep. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 1 Ƌ, beating, 00.42261° S, 79.5107° W, 2225 m, 12 Nov. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 2 ♀♀, sifting moss, 12 Nov. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 7 ƋƋ, 6♀♀, beating, 01.66015° S, 78.66199° W, 1845 m, 13 Nov. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC); 5 ♀♀, Berlese, moss, 13–15 Nov. 2014, E. Tapia, C. Tapia and N. Dupérré leg. (DTC). Description Male (holotype) MEASUREMENTS. Total length: 3.9; carapace length: 1.7 carapace width: 1.5; abdomen length: 2.1. CEPHALOTHORAX. Pars cephalica orange-brown, with pale dusk lines behind PLE; pars thoracica light orange-brown. Fovea dark. Sternum light yellow, margin slightly darker. Labium and endites yellow. CHELICERAE. Orange-brown. Posterior side with large tooth, narrow and triangular; promargin with 3, retromargin with 6 teeth (Fig. 43). LEGS. Femora yellow, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi light yellow-orange. Total length: I: 11.0; II: 8.9; III: 5.3; IV: 7.7; leg articles length (femur/patella/tibia/metatarsus/tarsus): leg I 2.7/0.8/3.3/3.0/1.2; leg II 2.3/0.7/2.6/2.4/0.9; leg III 1.5/0.6/1.2/1.5/0.5; leg IV 2.2/0.7/1.7/2.0/0.7. LEGS SPINATION. Metatarsus I v1-1 -0. Metatarsus II v1-1 -0. Tibia III d1-0-0, v1-1 -0; metatarsus III d0-1- 0, v2-2 -0. Tibia IV d1-0-0, v2-2 -2; metatarsus IV d0-1-0, v2-2 -1. Tarsal claws unipectinate; retrolateral claws I–IV with 4 teeth, prolateral claws I–IV with 7–8 teeth. ABDOMEN. Oval. Dorsally yellowish with faint dark dusky chevrons. GENITALIA. Palpal patella without apophysis. Palpal tibia shorter than cymbium (Fig. 42); anterior part of retrolateral tibial apophysis plate-like, posterior part distally acute (Fig. 42). Subtegulum pointed apically; tegulum oval basally; ventral projection of subtegulum well sclerotized; median apophysis short, hook-shaped; embolus wider basally, Fliform and curved apically (Fig. 41). Female MEASUREMENTS. Total length: 3.7; carapace length: 1.4; carapace width: 1.1; abdomen length: 2.3. CEPHALOTHORAX AND ABDOMEN. As in male. CHELICERAE. Cheliceral promargin with 3, retromargin with 7 teeth. LEGS. As in male. Total length: I: 6.2; II: 4.9; III: 3.3; IV: 4.9; leg articles length (femur/patella/tibia/ metatarsus/tarsus): leg I 1.6/0.5/1.7/1.6/0.8; leg II 1.3/0.5/1.2/1.3/0.6; leg III 0.9/0.4/0.7/0.9/0.4; leg IV 1.4/0.5/0.9/1.5/0.6. Tarsal claws unipectinate, retrolateral claws I–IV with 6 teeth, prolateral claws I–II with 12 teeth, prolateral claws III–IV with 8-9 teeth. Palpal claws with 4 teeth. LEGS SPINATION. Femur I p0-1-1, r0-0-1; tibia I v2-2 -0; metatarsus I v2 -0-0. Femur II p0-0-1, r0-0-1; tibia II v2-2 -2; metatarsus II v2 -0-0. Femur III p0-0-1, r0-0-1; tibia III d0-0-1, v1-1 -0; metatarsus III d0-0- 1, v2-2 -0. Femur IV p0-0-1, r0-0-1; tibia IV d0-0-1, v1-1 -2; metatarsus IV d0-0-1, v2-1 -1. GENITALIA. Epigynum with oval, elongated median protuberance; atrium small; lateral epigynal grooves curved inwardly (Fig. 44). Internal genitalia; short and curved copulatory ducts; spermathecae oval; fertilization ducts short, directed outwardly (Fig. 45). Natural history Most specimens were collected by beating trees and during night collecting, a few were collected in moss hanging from trees. Distribution Ecuador: known only from the type locality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE