Stacking faults and the ��-surface on {1-101} pyramidal planes in ��-titanium

Autor: Ready, Adam J., Sutton, Adrian P., Haynes, Peter D., Rugg, David
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1608.00923
Popis: Using first principles methods we calculated the entire ��-surface of the first order pyramidal planes in ��-titanium. Slip on these planes involving dislocations with c + a dislocations is one means by which ��-titanium polycrystals may supplement slip on prism planes with a-type Burgers vectors to maintain ductility. We find two stable intrinsic stacking faults with relatively small energies. We show that dissociation of c + a dislocations into two dislocations with Burgers vectors (c + a)/2 is not possible in ��-titanium because there is no stable stacking fault at (c + a)/2. Instead we propose a possible dissociation of a c + a dislocation into three partial dislocations separated by the two intrinsic faults we have identified.
This paper has been withdrawn due to a computational error in generating the first-order pyramidal gamma surface. 9 pages, 10 figures
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