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Measurement standards and metrological activities provide a proper scientific and economically sustainable infrastructure to the country [1]. It play a pivotal role as an engine for industrial revolution, growth and support for the overall development of any nation. Metrology is essential to protect the planet, ensuring a dignified quality life for all people to achieve inclusive economic growth and prosperity. It is the main pillar for trade, scientific comparison, innovation of emerging technologies, technical cooperation and even for simple exchange of information. With the advent of better-quality products through metrological advancement, our industries can compete internationally by overcoming all the trade barriers/constraints to achieve the final exports targets. It ultimately translates into growth of industries through rapid industrialization, economic growth and societal upliftment. For industrial and scientific development of any country, the role of NMIs is significant and irreplaceable in the advancement of metrological fields and their related technologies. Dissemination of measurement standards through apex level traceable calibration certificates, training and consultancy services to the industry, government, strategists and academia in different parameters are extremely important. The dissemination of measurement standards in SI units, now related with fundamental constants of nature (FCN), is the prime responsibility of NMI of the country. As India wishes and approaching to become ‘Atma Nirbhar or Self Reliant’, the NMI of India i.e. CSIR-NPL has to play a significant role, not only for providing traceability of measurement standards but also to work in close association with industries, especially with Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) which contributes almost 38% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It would directly correlate with India’s economic growth and better quality of life for its citizens. The mandate of Physico-Mechanical Metrology (PMM) of CSIR-NPL is to establish, maintain, upgrade and disseminate the standards of mass, volume, density, viscosity; length, dimensions, angle, surface roughness and nanometrology; temperature and humidity; optical radiation (non-ionizing radiation-ultraviolet, visible and infrared region, LED lighting); force, torque and hardness; pressure, vacuum and ultrasonic; acoustic and vibration; and fluid flow. The PMM is the backbone and mainstay for Indian industries and other user organizations. As is evident, these measurements are ubiquitous and cross most strategic sectors and technologies. These parameters play a significant role in the industrial development and their traceable measurements to SI units provide basis for barrier free trade across the continent and the world. The services of these measurements underpin just about every area of human endeavour. The PMM of CSIR-NPL contributes enormously to the economic development of the country by providing traceability to almost all the strategic sectors, MSMEs, Public and Private Sector Undertakings, Government organizations, regulatory bodies, academic institutions as well SAARC nations and other countries through calibrations, testing, need based technical and consultancy services, organization of proficiency testing programmes, industrial trainings and development of academic expertise. The present Chapter of this book is mainly focused on highlighting the significance and importance of PMM, its role and impact in industrial and sectorial growths, applications and relevance with their global compatibility, and finally concludes with some futuristic perspectives. |