Analysis of Cesarean section delivery in Ain Shams University hospital according to the Robson’s 10-group classification system

Autor: Ahmed Mostafa Mohammed, Mohammed H Salama, Ashraf Nabhan
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 114
ISSN: 1460-2393
Popis: Background Cesarean delivery is increasing worldwide in the last few years, unnecessary CS is a growing problem affecting both developed as well as developing countries. There is no benefits either to mother or neonate when the procedure is not medically indicated. The ideal rate of CS is considered between 10%-15%, beyond which there is no benefits for either mother or fetus. However recent studies showed a much higher rate of CS. WHO proposes that health care facilities use the Robson's 10 group classification system to monitor their CS rates. This classification helps to understand the internal structure of the CS rates at each health facilities, the indications in each group and formulate strategies to reduce these rates. Objectives the aim is to describe the frequency of CS delivery in Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital by Robson classification. And to describe maternal and neonatal outcomes. Methods The study was a descriptive cross sectional study conducted at labor ward of Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital (a tertiary care center). All women delivered by CS during a period of six months were recruited and classified into 10-Robson's groups. The overall CS rate were calculated, and also the contribution of each groups to the overall CS rate. Results The highest contribution to the overall CS was by group five 38.98%, followed by group ten 34.20%. While group 9 was lowest frequency 0.50% of overall CS rates. Conclusion s: The use of Robson’s classification system allows to monitor the CS rates which helps to identify the main contributors for the increasing CS rates, also helps to identify the target groups that may benefit from implementations of interventions for reducing CS rates. Women with previous CS were an important determinant of overall CS rates, reducing primary CS rates, counselling for VBAC, encouraging versions when available, could reduce the CS rates.
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