Impact of cultivation management in an agroecosystem on hot spot effects of earthworm middens

Autor: Stefan Schrader, Christian Seibel
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: European Journal of Soil Biology. 37:309-313
ISSN: 1164-5563
DOI: 10.1016/s1164-5563(01)01102-5
Popis: In comparison to the surrounding soil, hot spot effects of middens of the epianecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris were determined under different field conditions on a loamy sand. The impact of 3 different management systems was studied: 1. unmulched; 2. straw mulching; 3. intermediate crop: Sinapis alba. Furthermore, we considered 2 different crops (bean, lupine) and their growth stages. We monitored different enzyme activities and abiotic parameters of soil at 6 sampling dates between April and August 1998 parallel to abundances of microfauna (soil protozoa) and mesofauna (Enchytraeidae, Collembola, mites). The analysis of earthworm middens revealed enhanced enzyme activities and increased mesofaunal abundances. Differences between midden and reference samples were significant during the whole vegetation period and became maximal during ripening of crops. We found a distinct but not significant increase in individual numbers of soil flagellates in midden areas during leafing and heading of crops. Values of the studied parameters tended to be higher in bean plots but generally the crop impact on midden properties was not significant. Our results showed a significant positive synergistic effect between earthworm middens and intermediate crop. Straw mulching supported the hot spot effects of middens.
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