Avaliando o Desempenho e Custos da Graduação das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior

Autor: Carlos E. Bielschowsky
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: EaD em Foco. 9
ISSN: 2177-8310
DOI: 10.18264/eadf.v9i1.828
Popis: As instituicoes federais de ensino superior (IFES) vem sendo taxadas como ineficientes nas atividades de ensino de graduacao, cujos principais argumentos sao o alto custo medio anual por aluno, altas taxas de evasao e que boa parte de seus alunos pertencem as classes mais favorecidas. Este e o foco principal das criticas frequentemente realizadas na midia e por agencias internacionais, tais como o jornal O Globo e o Banco Mundial, posto que em suas demais atividades de ensino de pos graduacao, pesquisa e extensao seu papel tem sido, de maneira geral, reconhecido – ate porque respondem, juntamente com as demais universidades estaduais, por 83,8% do total de alunos pos-graduados de todas as IES e realizam a maior parte da producao cientifica do pais. As IFES tambem sao reconhecidas pela importância de suas atividades de extensao, tais como o atendimento a populacao de seus hospitais universitarios, seu protagonismo na formacao continuada de professores da educacao basica e a importância e excelencia de seu ensino tecnico e de seus colegios de aplicacao. No presente trabalho mostramos que essas criticas ao ensino de graduacao das IFES nao procedem, que o gasto anual por aluno de graduacao das universidades federais e equivalente aquele das IES privadas, que sua taxa media de diplomacao e 9,7% superior aquela das universidades privadas e que a maioria de seu concluintes tem renda familiar inferior a 4,5 salarios minimos, sendo que apenas 12% pertencem familias com renda superior a 10 salarios minimos. Alem disso, mostramos, com base no resultado de seus alunos nos exames Enade do ciclo 2015 a 2017, que a qualidade media dos cursos das IFES e bem superior aquela das IES privadas. Palavras-chave: Instituicoes federais de ensino superior. Universidades federais. Universidades estaduais. Ensino privado. Enade. Perfil socioeconomico. Desempenho. Custo. Assessing the Performance and Costs of Graduation of the Federal Institutions of Higher Education Abstract Federal higher education institutions (IFES) have been labeled as inefficient on undergraduate education activities. The focus of the criticisms frequently made by the media and by international agencies, such as the newspaper O Globo and the World Bank, is the high annual cost per student, high dropout rates,and a good part of their students belong to the upper classes. IFES role have been recognized regarding all the other activities of postgraduation, research and extension because they account, together with the state universities, for 83.8% of the total of postgraduate students of all IFES and they are responsible for a large amount of the country’s scientific literature. IFES are also recognized for the importance of their extension activities, such as providing health care to the population at their teaching hospitals, offering continuing education training to primary education teachers and by the importance and excellence of their technical education and schools. In the present study we show that the e criticisms regarding IFES undergraduate education of do not proceed. The annual expenditure per student is equivalent to the private institutions of higher education, IFES graduation rate is 24% superior compared to others and the majority of their graduates have a family income of less than 4,5 minimum wages, and only 12% belong to families with incomes above 10 minimum wages. In addition, based on the results of their students in Enade exams from 2015 to 2017, we show that courses quality average is higher than others private institutions of higher education. Keywords: Federal institutes of higher education. Federal universities. State universities. Private education. Enade. Socioeconomic profile. Performance. Cost.
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