Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Life of Arctic Regions in Population Estimates

Autor: E. V. Potravnaya, A. N. Sleptsov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. :144-147
ISSN: 0132-1625
Popis: The article discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and coronavirus infection on the development of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation On the basis of sociological research in many Arctic regions of the country are identified the main problems faced by the economy and the population in a pandemic and spread of coronavirus infection (the risk of limiting the activities of mining companies because of the risk of illness of workers, restrictions on movement, prohibitions and restrictions on employment in traditional crafts for local people, job loss and reduced income, fear for their health and that of loved ones) The peculiarity of the conducted sociological surveys was that they took into account the opinion and interests of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North in assessing the impact of the spread of coronavirus on their living conditions and traditional nature management Alternate abstract:На основе опроса населения ряда арктических районов страны, вклю¬чая представителей коренных народов Севера, рассматриваются некоторые аспекты влияния пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 на жизнь этого региона Среди основных проблем, с которыми столкнулось население в условиях пандемии, угроза ограничения деятельности добывающих компаний, передвижения, запреты и ограничения на занятия традиционными промыслами для местного населения, потеря работы и снижение дохода, боязнь за свое здоровье и здоровье близких
Databáze: OpenAIRE