Sprawozdawczość finansowa przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych według znowelizowanej do 2015 roku Ustawy o rachunkowości

Autor: Helena Żukowska
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Roczniki Ekonomii i Zarządzania. 8:7-58
ISSN: 2544-5197
DOI: 10.18290/reiz.2016.8(44).1-1
Popis: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the complexity of annual reporting which is obligatory for non-financial undertakings in Poland. The Author takes into account the provisions of the Accounting Act to provide a detailed analysis, demonstrating that the amendments made to the Act in 2014 and 2015, aiming to minimise the bureaucratic burden placed on smaller economic operators, substantially change the structure of a financial statement. This implies that beginning in 2016 many different financial reporting standards will appear in the economic operation of non-financial enterprises. The content of a given statement will depend on the character and size of an entity as well as the accounting principles it employs. Financial statements submitted by micro- and small enterprises are less complex. An evolution of the structure and content of financial statements has a significant impact on the communication between economic undertakings and their environment.
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