The Student Competencies in Information Seeking Behaviour and Using Distance Learning Applications during the COVID-19

Autor: Resty Jayanti Fakhlina, Noor Arief, Heni Nurhaeni, Lailatur Rahmi, Alna Hanana
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2nd EAI Bukittinggi International Conference on Education, BICED 2020, 14 September, 2020, Bukititinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia.
Popis: Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19 has become a pandemic that has spread in Indonesia since March 2020. One of the most significant impacts has occurred in the learning process within the university with the presence of the e-learning concept through distance learning systems of networks and digital-based. Distance learning has increased information retention and improved the skills of the academic community in using various applications used in the learning process. Displacement of learning methods that are so fast will also provide less conducive conditions and thus become a challenge in educational institutions. This research was conducted to describe the ability of students in information retrieval and the use of several applications, the majority of which are used in the learning process at one of the faculties at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The research method was carried out through the distribution of online questionnaires related to the effectiveness of the implementation of distance lectures, the constraints experienced, and the ability to use applications that are used from the student's perspective. The results show the ability of students in searching electronic information and the use of applications that are commonly used, in this case, Google Classroom, Zoom, and WhatsApp. The results showed that 82.9% of FAH students disrupted the WhatsApp Group application as a flexible application in utilizing digital learning media.
Databáze: OpenAIRE