Phenology and litter production in the mangrove genus Xylocarpus along rainfall and temperature gradients in tropical Australia

Autor: Irena Zagorskis, Alistar Robertson, Paul Dixon
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Marine and Freshwater Research. 72:551
ISSN: 1323-1650
Popis: We investigated how variation in climate influences the timing and intensity of phenological events in two species of the mangrove genus Xylocarpus. Leaf fall in Xylocarpus granatum was continuous in high rainfall sites but was seasonal at sites with long dry seasons. Xylocarpus moluccensis is deciduous, and leaf shedding occurred over 1–2 months at different times in dry season months. Budding and flowering were tightly coupled in X. granatum and occurred in the wet season. At the highest rainfall site, flower fall in X. moluccensis occurred in the mid-wet season, but occurred 9 months later at other sites with protracted dry seasons. For X. moluccensis, the quantities of leaves, buds, flowers and total litter fall were negatively related to annual rainfall, whereas bud fall was negatively related to air temperature. Variations in the quantity of litter produced by X. granatum were not explained by the environmental variables considered. Mean litter production was significantly greater for X. moluccensis than X. granatum (5.16 v. 3.37Mgh–1 year–1 respectively). Mixed forest litter production was greater in forests containing X. moluccensis than X. granatum (7.86 v. 5.95Mgh–1 year–1 respectively). X. granatum has a more plastic response to environmental drivers of canopy production than X. moluccensis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE