Impact of regularity in structure-property relationships

Autor: Christiane Mercier, Jacques-Emile Dubois, Yves Sobel
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 9:351-357
ISSN: 1572-8897
DOI: 10.1007/bf01166098
Popis: The regular evolution of properties with structural modification is quantitatively formulated. It is defined in a structural space which is exhaustive, ordered, flexible and explicit. It is detected along the ordered pathways of structural filiations by inference tools, which take into account the experimental precision and proceed by a heuristic modulation of the initial representation space. The introduction of nuances in the quantitative formulation of regularity leads to diverse tools for setting up and exploiting the relationships. These latter constitute a prediction law, which is both simple and as precise as the measurements. The detected regularities make for a generalization of certain structural effects and suggest a fruitful interpretation. Zeroth- and first-order regularities, characteristic of strongly linear variation, are used to safely extrapolate the prediction range and to orient experimental planning.
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