Faculty development needs

Autor: Gary S. Ferenchick, Judith L. Bowen, Thomas K. Houston, Patrick C. Alguire, Jeanne M. Clark, Charles P. Clayton, William T. Branch, David E. Kern, Richard H. Esham
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of General Internal Medicine. 19:375-379
ISSN: 1525-1497
Popis: We compared prior training in 4 areas (general teaching skills, teaching specific content areas, teaching by specific methods and in specific settings, and general professional skills) among community-based teachers based in private practices (N=61) compared with those in community sites operated by teaching institutions (N=64) and hospital-based faculty (N=291), all of whom attended one of three national faculty development conferences. The prevalence of prior training was low. Hospital-based faculty reported the most prior training in all 4 categories, teaching hospital affiliated community-based teachers an intermediate amount, and private practice community-based teachers the least (all P
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