Modelling of time delay of electrical breakdown for nitrogen-filled tubes at pressures of 6.6 and 13.3 mbar in the increase region of the memory curve

Autor: J.P. Karamarkovic, Milić M. Pejović, Nikola T. Nesic, Goran S. Ristić
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41:225205
ISSN: 1361-6463
DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/22/225205
Popis: Experimentally measured electrical breakdown time delay data versus the afterglow period (representing 'memory curves') for nitrogen-filled tubes at pressures of 6.6 and 13.3 mbar have been shown. The influence of N(4S) nitrogen atoms on secondary electron emission from the cathode (the SEE process) in late afterglow has been discussed. N(4S) atom concentration decay over relaxation time τ, N(4S)(τ), has been analysed by a numerical model and two analytical models. N(4S) decay analytical models are combined with different yield models that describe the SEE process by N(4S) and these combinations are employed to fit the experimental data. It has been shown that in late afterglow solving of very simple analytical equations instead of numerical solving of partial differential equations for N(4S)(τ) fitting can be used and that the combination of the first and the second order of the SEE process by N(4S) in yield modelling should be used in the case of 13.3 mbar pressure.
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