SP-100 Generic Flight System Design and Early Flight Options

Autor: Allan T. Josloff, Neal F. Shepard, Tak S. Chan, Frank C. Greenwood, Nelson A. Deane, James D. Stephen, Ronald E. Murata, Mohamed S. El-Genk, Mark D. Hoover
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2950231
Popis: This paper has two major objectives. The first is to provide an update to the Generic Flight System (GFS) configuration which is the reference design that provides the requirements for the ongoing hardware and test program. The second objective is to review the early flight design options that the first generation technology readiness will enable. Technology readiness is reached when the data base and design validation have progressed to the point of supporting a flight system Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The early technology readiness would now support a system PDR in 1996. The updated GFS design that will be described incorporates many new features introduced since the System Design Review (SDR). This paper describes these enhancements which have resulted in substantial mass savings and simplifications of the original SDR design. These enhancements, aside from their mass benefits, also improve reliability and lower unit costs.
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