Construction of Information Management System of Steppe-watershed Multiple Water Resources Based on Big Data

Autor: Mingyue Bai, Yanqing Zhou, Xinhua Jiang, Xiaodong Duan, Heru Xue, Siyu Wang
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on E-Business and Applications.
Popis: Aiming at the water shortage and Inefficient water resources management of Xilin River Basin. we put forward the Management System of Steppe-Watershed Multiple Water Resources Based on Big Data. In this paper, we mainly did two things, the first one is the build of the big data storage platform. The sensors sent back the real-time data, which will be stored in the MySQL temporary database. Every week, these data will be synchronized to the big data platform for permanent storage and backup. The second is the visualization of the current data. Based on the data we have got, we designed different diagrams accomplished by using Echarts for the visualization of the current data. Additional, for the later analysis of the history data, we designed a data processing flow in the big platform for processing enormous amounts of data.
Databáze: OpenAIRE