Convergent genetic algorithm for inversion

Autor: Eduard Berg
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1991.
DOI: 10.1190/1.1889200
Popis: A genetic algorithm shown last year finds the global maximum of correlation tyfrc functions when many near equal maxima arc present. It conserves al1 genetic material of the starting population in successive gcneralions and convcrgcs as long as the population size is of the order of the chromosome length The algorithm was tested on a 10 parameter function with approximately 106 peaks ranging in their peak amplitude from 1 to 1.582. The function values ranged from 0 to the maximum peak. Figure I shows a two parameter version. here WC present detailed proper&s, an extension for faster convergence and conditions for convergcncc easily monitored during processing.
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