Event-Condition-Action Rule Languages for the Semantic Web

Autor: George Papamarkos, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Peter T. Wood
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Current Trends in Database Technology – EDBT 2006 ISBN: 9783540467885
EDBT Workshops
DOI: 10.1007/11896548_64
Popis: The Semantic Web is based on XML and RDF as its fundamental standards for exchanging and storing information on the World Wide Web. Event-condition-action (ECA) rules are a natural candidate for supporting reactive functionality on XML or RDF repositories. In this paper we describe a language for ECA rules on XML and a prototype implementation of this language. We also discuss some preliminary ideas regarding a language for ECA rules operating on a graph/triple representation of RDF, and we describe the architecture of a distributed deployment of such RDF ECA rules.
Databáze: OpenAIRE