Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of argon ion velocities near the sheath boundary of an argon–xenon plasma

Autor: Greg Severn, Noah Hershkowitz, Dongsoo Lee, Lutfi Oksuz
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 39:5230-5235
ISSN: 1361-6463
Popis: The Bohm sheath criterion in single- and two-ion species plasma is studied with laser-induced fluorescence using a diode laser. Xenon is added to a low pressure unmagnetized dc hot filament argon discharge confined by surface multidipole magnetic fields. The Ar II transition at 668.614 nm is adopted for optical pumping to detect the fluorescence from the plasma and to measure the argon ion velocity distribution functions with respect to positions relative to a negatively biased boundary plate. The structures of the plasma sheath and presheath are measured by an emissive probe. The ion concentrations of the two-species in the bulk plasma are calculated from ion acoustic wave experiments. Results are compared with previous experiments of Ar–He plasmas in which the argon ions were the heavier ion species. Unlike the previous results, the argon speed is slower than its own Bohm velocity near the sheath–presheath boundary in the Ar–Xe plasma where argon ions are the lighter ion species. We argue that this result is consistent with the behaviour of the helium ion required by the generalized Bohm criterion in the previous experiments with Ar–He plasmas. Further, our results suggest that the measured argon ion speed approaches the ion sound speed of the system.
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