Archaeological Monitoring and Recording during Improvement Works at Four Firs Car Park, Woodbury, East Devon, Devon

Autor: Wallis, Sean
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5284/1108583
Popis: This report presents the results of archaeological monitoring and recording that was carried out by South West Archaeology Ltd. (SWARCH) during improvement works at Four Firs Car Park, Woodbury, East Devon, Devon. The work was carried out in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation that was previously agreed with the Devon County Council Historic Environment Team. A wheeled mechanical excavator undertook the substantive groundworks under archaeological supervision. The works consisted of: removing an earth mound and earth banks within the area of the car park; and excavating drainage ditches to the southern end of the car park. The landscaping works demonstrated that the car park surface continued below the earth mound and the earth banks and as such all of the landscaping works were just within mixed redeposited topsoil layers. The c.0.85m long by c.1.4m wide drainage trenches were excavated to a depth of between 0.6m and 1m. The works demonstrated that the surface of the car park overlaid topsoil, a yellowish-brown topsoil layer c.0.3m thick; that directly overlaid the natural, a clean reddish-yellow sand with common sub-rounded to rounded pebbles. There was no notable variation within this stratigraphy. The works encountered no archaeological features or finds.
Databáze: OpenAIRE