Parametrization of 3D shapes using Superquadrics

Autor: Greeshmanth Katakam, Pranav Burugadda, S Likhith Kumar Reddy, Y Prashanth Kumar, S Govardhan Kumar
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC).
Popis: A novel method for optimization of parameters associated in representing various multi-dimensional shapes using Superquadrics and Superellipses accordingly. Superquadrics is a set of adaptive three-dimensional shapes that are three-dimensional extensions of Super ellipses in two-dimensional models. Superquadrics become ideally capable for representing irregular shapes with simple mathematical effort. This method involves image segmentation and extraction of parameters governing the shapes. It is implemented in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces using Superellipses and Superquadrics respectively. This process yields faster analysis and efficient data storage due to the reduction of total computations. The process of estimation is based on the optimization of nonlinear multivariable functions under certain constraints. This parametrization is considered for review and analysis, compared with the generic process of taking all the values of the image.
Databáze: OpenAIRE