Evidence for interactive common causes. Resuming the Cartwright-Hausman-Woodward debate

Autor: Paul M. Näger
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: European Journal for Philosophy of Science. 12
ISSN: 1879-4920
DOI: 10.1007/s13194-021-00410-4
Popis: The most serious candidates for common causes that fail to screen off (‘interactive common causes’, ICCs) and thus violate the causal Markov condition (CMC) refer to quantum phenomena. In her seminal debate with Hausman and Woodward, Cartwright early on focussed on unfortunate non-quantum examples. Especially, Hausman and Woodward’s redescriptions of quantum cases saving the CMC remain unchallenged. This paper takes up this lose end of the discussion and aims to resolve the debate in favour of Cartwright’s position. It systematically considers redescriptions of ICC structures, including those by Hausman and Woodward, and explains why these are inappropriate, when quantum mechanics (in an objective collapse interpretation) is true. It first shows that all cases of purported quantum ICCs are cases of entanglement and then, using the tools of causal modelling, it provides an analysis of the quantum mechanical formalism for the case that the collapse of entangled systems is best described as a causal model with an ICC.
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