A Reply to Uttl and Morin’s (2010) Commentary of

Autor: Julia Heberle, Susan M. Hughes
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Consciousness and Cognition. 19:1138-1139
ISSN: 1053-8100
Popis: In response to a commentary provided by Uttl and Morin (2010) regarding the recent study by Hughes and Nicholson (2010) , we evaluate their suggestion to modify our study’s design to reduce ceiling effects (similar to that of Rosa, Lassonde, Pinard, Keenan, & Belin, 2008 ). Also, the commentators failed to take into account our data on reaction times (a measure that is arguably less affected by ceiling effects), which help substantiate our conclusions regarding self-face and self-voice recognition. This rejoinder encourages readers to consider the relevance of the ecological validity of Hughes and Nicholson’s findings.
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