Optimization of a biocatalytic process to gain (R)-1-phenylethanol by applying the software tool Sabento for ecological assessment during the early stages of development

Autor: Tobias Brinkmann, Stephanie Friedrich, Glenn Gröbe, Martin Kluge, Martin Hofrichter, Katrin Scheibner
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 103:36-40
ISSN: 1381-1177
Popis: Ecological assessment using the software tool Sabento was conducted to compare different processes to gain the fine chemical (R)-1-phenylethanol from ethylbenzene. The software was applied during the biocatalytic process development using the unspecific peroxygenase (EC of the fungus Agrocybe aegerita. The process could be systematically improved with respect to the ecological performance during process development. Compared to a modern chemical process and a further biotechnological process, it now reaches the best environmental key indicator. The software tool Sabento proved to be well suited to work out the most important factors determining the ecological burdens in the early stages of process development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE