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Two fault blocks, each containing one producing well, are part of a multiparty concession. Both blocks were tested by a major oil company in the mid 80's but proved to be non-commercial at that time and the wells were abandoned. Two further wells were drilled in early '01 and late '03 and have been on production since then. The short production history is common today for many companies pursuing marginal oil accumulations. Recent high oil prices have enabled viable production but the degree of uncertainty makes it difficult to diagnose reservoir performance and identify the best alternatives for future reservoir development. The producing mechanism for the two fault blocks is believed to be depletion drive. However, high dip with some evidence of fracturing indicates possible improved recovery via gravity drainage. Material balance calculations utilizing limited production history, few pressure measurements and uncertain PVT data make it difficult to resolve OOIP, prevailing drive mechanisms, and ultimate recovery. The BPP is also uncertain which consequently affects material balance.Accurate PVT data will give confidence in resolving the issue of whether a fault separating the two blocks is leaking.This fault is thought to be partially non-sealing as indicated by few uncertain pressure measurements, which complicate interpretations and decisions regarding further development. The offshore location limits artificial lift or secondary recovery options. Production capacity is allotted from a shared facility and future decisions will require agreement among the involved parties. These concerns, in addition to considerable G & G unknowns regarding seismic definition of structure, facies variation, poroperm characteristics etc., generate a large domain of uncertainty. This is exacerbated by the interests and visions of the different partners and local regulations. The best solution starts by an interdisciplinary team approach to enhance the understanding and potential impact of all available data through expert analysis and thoughtful integration. This results in more effective decisions regarding reservoir management and further development. PVT acquisition, multiphase metering, static modeling, reservoir simulation and infill drilling are some steps of an aggressive plan to develop this Concession. |