Simultaneous Cutaneous and Lymphnodal Shwartzman Phenomenon

Autor: E. E. Ecker, Howard T. Karsner, L. Meschan
Rok vydání: 1938
Zdroj: Journal of Infectious Diseases. 62:1-5
ISSN: 1537-6613
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/62.1.1
Popis: Although the Shwartzman reaction was originally demonstrated in the skin of rabbits, the phenomenon was later produced in various other organs: parenchyma of internal organs, local vascular preparations, dermis and lung (Shwartzmanl); liposarcoma of guinea pig (Gratia and Linz2); stomach (Karsner, Ecker and Jackson3); knee joint (Moritz and Morley4); appendix (Latteri5); kidney (Loi and Cardiac); adrenal (Grouchi7); conjunctiva (CassutoS); pancreas (Reitano and Loi9); and spleen (Patania"o). More recently, a generalized Shwartzman reaction was produced by the intravenous preparation of the animals (Apitzl). The purpose of the present study was to determine what changes occur in the lymph nodes in the neighborhood of the cutaneous Shwartzman phe
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