Optical Diagnostic Imaging of Multi-Rocket Plume-Induced Base Flow Environments

Autor: Ron Parker, Aaron Dufrene, Jennifer A. Inman, Manish Mehta, Paul M. Danehy, Darrell Gaddy
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 47th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2017-3465
Popis: Non-intrusive optical diagnostic imaging was used for the first time to visualize multi-rocket plume-induced reacting base flows to simulate launch vehicle ascent from sea-level to 250,000 ft. In particular, planar laser induced florescence (PLIF) and infrared (IR) imaging were implemented for the first time to visualize and quantify base flow and rocket plume environments from sub-scale, short-duration propulsion models within a shock tunnel facility. This report discusses the successful imaging diagnostic methods for capturing base flow features and dynamics as a function of altitude. Important base flow and plume features were captured with PLIF and IR diagnostics to develop a conceptual base flow physics model. This imaging data specifically provides insight into the Space Launch System vehicle core-stage and Exploration Upper Stage base environments and further validates short-duration ground test techniques and computational modeling.
Databáze: OpenAIRE