Autor: B Zavodovsky, J Polyakova, V. Polyakov, Gleb Kravtsov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Abstracts Accepted for Publication.
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-eular.7330
Popis: Background Careful attention to postmenopausal osteoporosis (OP) leads to an underestimation of this problem in men. Objectives To assess the frequency of bone mineral density reduction (BMD) in men referred for examination, analysis of bone mineralization disorders in men at different age periods, the main reasons for referral for examination. Methods During the year, a two-energy X-ray absorption osteodensitometry (LUNAR XP, USA) was examined by 2,731 patients according to a standard program. Results Among the 2731 patients referred for examination, the proportion of men is 5%, men over 60 years old are 2%, male children and teenagers are 0.29%. Normal BMD was detected in 31.88%, low bone mass (LBM) - in 39.86%, OP - in 28.26%. 60.14% (83 people) - men of young and middle age, NCM was detected in 33 men, OP - in 14. In 8 - severe form. Reduced BMD patients revealed the presence of serious underlying disease (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus I type, diffuse toxic goiter disease operated stomach, ulcerative colitis, chronic autoimmune hepatitis and alimentary toxic hepatitis with outcome in cirrhosis of the liver, bronchial asthma (BA), alveolitis. Elderly and senile men among the surveyed were 55 people (39.86%), LBM - in 22 of them, OP - in 25. Low traumatic fractures in the anamnesis in this group of patients were detected in 13 of 55. In 6 - multiple vertebral fractures, in 2 - multiple repeated fractures of tubular bones. Secondary causes of a decrease in BMD were detected only in 5 out of 55 (9.09%) men aged 60 years and older (RA, BA, idiopathic alveolitis, liver cirrhosis; all currently or with a history of glucocorticoid therapy). Normal BMD was detected in 44 men. Up to 59, their number was 36 people (81.8%), 60 years and older - only 8 (18.2%). The majority of men with normal BMD indices were sent for examination by dentists, endocrinologists, orthopedic traumatologists. 5 adolescents with BMD in accordance with normal age criteria BMD had repeated traumatic bone fractures in history (fractures during sports (wrestling, football)). Conclusion Unlike women, men do not pay enough attention to the prevention of OP, often use dairy products in limited quantities, do not take calcium preparations for prophylactic purposes. A high percentage of the population is characterized by low physical activity. Men more often than women abuse alcohol and smoking. OP occurs without obvious clinical manifestations until the moment of fracture of the skeleton bones, primary care physicians and hospitals have low alertness for the detection of OP in men. FRAX (fracture risk assessment tool) makes it easy to calculate the probability of a 10-year risk of fractures and identify men at high risk for further examination. The urgency of the problem is due to the increase in the average life expectancy of a modern person. References [1] Problemy diagnostiki nizkotravmatichnyh perelomov pozvonkov u lic starshego vozrasta. Pisareva V., Mihajlov M., Poljakov V.[et al]. Russian Journal of Pain. 2018. V.56.(2).P.90-1. [2] Issledovanie rasprostranennosti osteoporoza, ego oslozhnenij i znachimosti faktorov riska/Zavodovskij B., Sivordova L., Poljakova Ju.[et al]. Palliative medicine and rehabilitation. 2015. 2. P.9–12. [3] Osteoporosis in men: current issues. Simakova E., Seewordova L.[et al]. Uspekhi Gerontologii. 2015. V28(1). P 77-9. Disclosure of Interests None declared
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