Triplocania yanacona Gonz��lez-Obando & Carrejo-Gironza & Garc��a 2017, n. sp
Autor: | Gonz��lez-Obando, Ranulfo, Carrejo-Gironza, Nancy, Garc��a, Alfonso N. |
Rok vydání: | 2017 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.6024826 |
Popis: | Triplocania yanacona n. sp. (Figs 287���298) Diagnosis. Central sclerite of hypandrium convex anteriorly, with postero-lateral, mid sized processes, and median, stout posterior process, bilobed distally; phallosome V-shaped anteriorly, with side struts slender, independent proximally; external parameres distally rounded, sclerotized, with a field of short spines; anterior pair of endophallic sclerites with stout inner arms, wider anteriorly, a central stem flanked by processes; outer arms arising from the central stem, pedicellate, each arm distally dilated to form a broadly elliptic, rugose body; mesal sclerite W-shaped, with anterior arms long, slender, and posterior arms stout, obtusely concave distally; posterior sclerites transverse, slender, each bearing an acuminate process medially on posterior border (Fig. 292). Belonging in the species assemblage mentioned above, in the diagnosis of T. pericosensis n. sp. Male. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body dark brown, with cream spots. Head pattern (Fig. 289). Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Maxillary palps brown, Mx4 with apical third dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown; pleura dark brown, with cream spots. Fore- coxae brown, with small dark spot on base and apex; middle and hind- coxae cream, with small brown spot on base and apex; trochanters cream; femora pale cream, with proximal and apical brown band in mid and hind- legs; tibiae brown, distally more pigmented; tarsi 1 brown, tarsi 2���3 dark brown. Forewing pattern (Fig. 287). Pterostigma with proximal and distal brown bands; a brown submarginal band from R4+5 to Cu1a. Hindwings (Fig. 288). Abdomen dark brown, with cream areas; hypandrium pale brown; phallosome dark brown. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 289): H/MxW: 1.49; H/D: 2.08; IO/MxW: 0.63, MxW/IO: 2.59. Vertex slightly emarginate, slightly below the level of the compound eyes. Outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with six denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.40. Forewings (Fig. 287): L/W: 2.51. Pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.84. Areola postica elongate: la/ha: 2.0, Cu1a gently concave. Hindwings (Fig. 288): l/p: 2.96. Hypandrium (Fig. 291). Phallosome (Fig. 292). Paraprocts oval, with abundant medium and short setae on apical third, with a macroseta near sensory fields, these with 30���32 trichobothria on basal rosettes (Fig. 290). Epiproct (Fig. 290) wide, broadly rounded posteriorly, setae as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 5100, HW: 3575, F: 1375, T: 2200, t1: 960, t2: 60, t3: 180, ctt1: 31, f1: 850, f2: 840, f3: 710, Mx4: 350, IO: 380, D: 510, d: 360, IO/d: 1.06, PO: 0.71. Female. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body, head, legs, epiproct, paraprocts and wings as in the males; subgenital plate with middle area hyaline, pigmented area V-shaped, sides dark, gonapophyses brown; IX sternum pale brown, with orange central area. Epiproct and paraprocts pale brown. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 295): H/MxW: 1.49; H/D: 2.48, IO/MxW: 0.64, MxW/IO: 2.25. Outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with five to six denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 2.20. Forewings (Fig. 293): L/W: 2.55, pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.35; areola postica elongate, la/ha: 2.00. Hindwings (Fig. 294): l/w: 3.21. Subgenital plate (Fig. 297), wide, rounded posteriorly, with short setae. Gonapophyses (Fig. 298): v1 elongate, narrow and acuminate, v2 +3 with sides almost parallel, and short proximal heel; 12���14 macrosetae on v2; distal process short, sinuous, acuminate, with microsetae. IX sternum (Fig. 298). Paraprocts broad, semi-oval, with abundant setae distally, a macroseta near each sensory field; these with 30���31 trichobothria on basal rosettes (Fig. 296). Epiproct triangular, with mesal field of three macrosetae, other setae as illustrated (Fig. 296). Measurements. FW: 5675, HW: 3900, F: 1475, T: 2250, t1: 990, t2: 90, t3: 180, ctt1: 28, f1: 910, f2: 850, f3: 790, Mx4: 350, IO: 480, D: 470, d: 320, IO/d: 1.50, PO: 0.68. Material studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca. Santiago de Cali, La Buitrera, 3��22���19.2���N: 76��34���12.2���W, 1117 m., 9.I.2011, MUSENUV slide code 28626. R. Gonz��lez. MUSENUV. Paratypes: 1 male, same data as the holotype. 4 males, 2 females, same locality, 20.I.2011, MUSENUV slide code 28627. N. Carrejo & R. Gonz��lez. 2 males, same locality, 23.I.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 4 males, 2 females, same locality, 29.I.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, 1 female, same locality, 5.II.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, same locality, 19.II.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, same locality, 9.IV.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 3 males, same locality. 31.VII.2011, J. Mendivil. 1 female, same locality, 26.VIII.2011, J. Mendivil. 1 female, same locality, 27.XI.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, Yotoco, 3��52���N: 76��23���W, 609 m., 12.I.2011, A. N. Garc��a Aldrete & R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, Santiago de Cali, Los Andes, Finca Monserrate, 3��25'57.3���N: 76��37���15.4���W, 1682 m., 18.I.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, 2 females, same locality, 20.I.2011, R. Gonz��lez & A. N. Garc��a Aldrete. 1 male, 1 female, same locality, 13.VI.2011, J. Mendivil. 10 males, 3 females, same locality, 14.VI.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, 2 females, same locality, 4.VII.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, same locality, 2.IX.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 7 males, 10 females, same locality, 7.IX.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 5 males, 5 females, same locality, 22.X.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 3 males, Los Andes, ecologic trail, 3��26���6.7���N: 76��37���39.9���W, 1716 m., 20.I.2011, N. Carrejo & R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, 2 females, same locality, 4.VII.2011, J. Mendivil. 3 males, Villacarmelo, La Candelaria, 3��22���15.4���N: 76��37���27.4���W, 1620 m., 22.I.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 1 female, Santiago de Cali, Km 11, 3��28���40���N: 76��36���0.3���W, 1550 m., 25.IV.2011, R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, same locality, 27.I.2012, J. Mendivil. 2 males, 2 females, Yumbo, Dapa, Finca Palo Alto, 3��34���9.0���N: 76��34���13.6���W, 1866 m., 19.III.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, same locality, 26.III.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, 2 females, La Cumbre, Bitaco, Chicoral, 3��34���18.4���N: 76��35���36.7���W, 1819 m., 26.III.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 1 female, same locality, 28.IV.2011, J. Mendivil. 6 males, 2 females, same locality, 27.VI.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 2 males, 1 female, La Cumbre, Bitaco, Chicoral, 3��34���30.3���N: 76��35���36.2���W, 1722 m., 29.VI.2011, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. 2 females, La Cumbre, Bitaco, Chicoral, 3��34���42.9���N: 76��35���41.4���W, 1714 m., 29.VI.2011, J. Mendivil. 1 male, La Cumbre, 3��38���17.9���N: 76��33���41.7���W, 1716 m., 18.IX.2011, N. Carrejo & R. Gonz��lez. 1 male, Los Andes, Charco Azul, 3��25���21.7���N: 76��37���0.1���W, 1687 m., 7.X.2011, R. Gonz��lez. On tree trunks and rocks with mosses and lichens. 25 males, 4 females. Risaralda, Pueblo Rico, R��o Negro Natural Municipal Park (Bocatoma), 5��12���28.1������N: 76��02���31.5������W, 1617 m., 15���16.VII.2015. Led light trap in forest canopy, O. Saenz, N. Carrejo, N. Calder��n & R. Gonz��lez. 11 males, 2 females, Flora & Fauna Sanctuary Ot��n-Quimbaya, R��o trail, 4��43���47.67������N: 75��34���33.72������W, 1876 m 31.VIII���1.IX.2016. N. Carrejo, J. Mendivil & R. Gonz��lez. Led light trap. Etymology. This species is dedicated to the Yanacona ethnic group, widely distributed in southwestern Colombia, particularly in the departments of Cauca and Valle del Cauca. Published as part of Gonz��lez-Obando, Ranulfo, Carrejo-Gironza, Nancy & Garc��a, Alfonso N., 2017, New species of Colombian Triplocania Roesler (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae), pp. 1-113 in Zootaxa 4336 (1) on pages 84-88, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4336.1.1, |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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