MEMS/MOEMS foundry services at INO

Autor: Loïc Le Noc, Yan Desroches, Benoit Fortin, Patrick Beaupré, Sonia M. García-Blanco, Carl Larouche, Patrice Topart, Timothy D. Pope, Hubert Jerominek, Francis Picard, Samir Ilias, Bruno Tremblay, Christine Alain, Michel Poirier, Christian Proulx, Jean-Sol Caron, Francis Provençal, Fraser Williamson, Francis Généreux
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: In the MEMS manufacturing world, the "fabless" model is getting increasing importance in recent years as a way for MEMS manufactures and startups to minimize equipment costs and initial capital investment. In order for this model to be successful, the fabless company needs to work closely with a MEMS foundry service provider. Due to the lack of standardization in MEMS processes, as opposed to CMOS microfabrication, the experience in MEMS development processes and the flexibility of the MEMS foundry are of vital importance. A multidisciplinary team together with a complete microfabrication toolset allows INO to offer unique MEMS foundry services to fabless companies looking for low to mid-volume production. Companies that benefit from their own microfabrication facilities can also be interested in INO's assistance in conducting their research and development work during periods where production runs keep their whole staff busy. Services include design, prototyping, fabrication, packaging, and testing of various MEMS and MOEMS devices on wafers fully compatible with CMOS integration. Wafer diameters ranging typically from 1 inch to 6 inches can be accepted while 8-inch wafers can be processed in some instances. Standard microfabrication techniques such as metal, dielectric, and semiconductor film deposition and etching as well as photolithographic pattern transfer are available. A stepper permits reduction of the critical dimension to around 0.4 μm. Metals deposited by vacuum deposition methods include Au, Ag, Al, Al alloys, Ti, Cr, Cu, Mo, MoCr, Ni, Pt, and V with thickness varying from 5 nm to 2 μm. Electroplating of several materials including Ni, Au and In is also available. In addition, INO has developed and built a gold black deposition facility to answer customer's needs for broadband microbolometric detectors. The gold black deposited presents specular reflectance of less than 10% in the wavelength range from 0.2 μm to 100 μm with thickness ranging from 20 to 35 μm and a density of 0.3% the bulk density of gold. Two Balzers thin-film deposition instruments (BAP-800 and BAK-760) permit INO to offer optical thin film manufacturing. Recent work in this field includes the design and development of a custom filter for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as collaboration with the Canadian company ComDEV. An overview of the different microfabrication foundry services offered by INO will be presented together with the most recent achievements in the field of MEMS/MOEMS.
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