A synchrotron-based imaging system for coronary arteries

Autor: Nicholas F. Gmur, J. Morrison, Herbert D. Zeman, Vellore T. Padmanabhan, Stephen J. Green, H.J. Gordon, George Brown, R.F. Garrett, Dean Chapman, Albert C. Thompson, Edward Rubenstein, N. Lazarz, H. Moulin, Lawrence Ong, William Thomlinson, B. Lavender, John C. Giacomini, Peter Reiser
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/nssmic.1991.259229
Popis: Summary form only given. A synchrotron-based medical imaging facility has been built at the National Synchrotron Light Source. It will allow imaging of the coronary arteries using a venous instead of an arterial injection of contrast agent. Two monochromatic fan X-ray beams (at energies around the iodine K edge) are used to take sets of images. The system is described and results with five patients are presented. possible system upgrades to improve image contrast and spatial resolution and to decrease the image acquisition time have been considered. >
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