Development and usability testing of an operating manual for a hair-braiding machine

Autor: Ronda Young, Heecheon You, Myun W. Lee
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 18:1-13
ISSN: 1520-6564
DOI: 10.1002/hfm.20092
Popis: The present study applied the concepts and techniques of usability testing to the development of an operating manual for a hair-braiding machine. A preliminary version of the manual was developed in four stages: (1) profiling user characteristics, (2) defining design features of the manual, (3) preparing contents, and (4) designing the format and layout of the manual. In each development stage, design factors, such as user characteristics and operating instructions, were identified and relevant methods, such as user profile analysis and hierarchical task analysis, were applied. The preliminary manual was evaluated by 5 cosmetology students (age, 18 to 25 years; training, 60 to 700 hours) by using various performance and preference measures and surveying opinions of the participants regarding likes, dislikes, and suggestions. Based on the test results, recommendations were made for better usability of the manual and revisions were made accordingly. The design and evaluation process of an operating manual presented in the study would help practitioners to develop a user-friendly manual. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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