Migrant Women’s Experiences in the City: A Relational Comparison

Autor: Nomkhosi Xulu-Gama
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: IMISCOE Research Series ISBN: 9783030921132
Popis: Scholars who write about migrant women, whether rural-urban or international migrants, have tended to always link women’s migration processes to men’s, thereby reducing women’s agency and will power. It is in this regard that women’s positionalities have continued to remain on the peripheries in literature (see Phillips & James, 2014), even if in reality they have become the main players in their own right. Kihato’s (2013) work reiterates the importance of the role of migrant women in shaping the way the city’s life is played out. Jayaram et al. (2019) posited that women are very mobile, frequently moving locally and internationally between their areas of origin and different urban work destinations. Xulu-Gama (2017), Kihato (2013) and Zulu (1993) prove that women do migrate on their own.
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