General non-specific reactivity of an organism as a factor of individualization of de-mands, behavior and social activity of individual

Autor: Sergey V. Bulatetsky, I. G. Mulik, A.B. Mulik, Y.A. Shatyr, I. V. Ulesikova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 27:227-236
ISSN: 2500-2546
DOI: 10.23888/pavlovj2019272227-236
Popis: Behavioral and social activity, being a component of the general human activity, depends on a number of individual combinations of genotype and phenotype, as well as on environmental conditions. With sufficient elaboration of the general aspects of the physiological mechanisms, systemic organization of the behavioral and social activity of an individual remains an open question of the objective conditionality of the expression and orientation of social activity by individual combination of actualized demands and the psycho-physiological preconditions for their formation. Aim. To identify regularities of physiological individualization of formation of demands, of behavioral and social human activity. Materials and Methods. The research was carried out with the participation of 78 men and women aged 18-22 years, students of the Crimean Federal University. Results. As a result of a complex of experimental studies, the systemic organization of functional, psychophysiological, psychological and social mechanisms of the individual organization of behavioral and social activity of an individual was confirmed. It is determined that anxiety, neuropsychological reactivity, extraversion and neuroticism, as the main preсonditions for behavioral and social activity, are most pronounced in individuals characterized by a high level of general nonspecific reactivity of an organism. The role of the functional and psychophysiological status of the organism in the individualization of demands is substantiated. At the same time, the minimal intensity of actualization of basic demands is characteristic of individuals with a low level of general nonspecific reactivity of an organism. Connections between individual vectors of social activity and basic human demands are specified. The most significant, universal impact on various types of social activity is produced by safety demands, which are the basic human biological demands. The demands for self-realization determine behavioral, social, professional and economic activity of a person. Social and cognitive demands positively affect behavioral and social activity. An insignificant negative relationship is revealed between reproductive demands and social destructiveness. Conclusion. The cumulative registration of physiological and psychological characteristics provides an opportunity to predict the extent and subject orientation of the individual social activity.
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