Interactions among isolates and mycelial compatibility groups ofSclerotium cepivorumand cultivars of onion (Allum cepa)

Autor: M.R. McDonald, D.M. Earnshaw, G.J. Boland
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 22:387-391
ISSN: 1715-2992
Popis: One hundred and sixty-nine isolates of Selerotium cepivorum were evaluated for the ability to incite lesions of white rot of onion in three commercial cultivars of onion (Norstar, Benchmark, and Fortress), using a controlled environment, detached onion scale assay. All isolates incited lesions on detached onion scale segments, but isolate, cultivar, and isolate x cultivar interactions were observed when lesion diameter was measured 7 days post-inoculation. Lesion diameters ranged from 6.4 to 39.0 mm. When averaged across mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs), differences in mean lesion diameters were observed among the nine MCGs and three cultivars, but there were no MCG x cultivar interactions. When averaged across MCGs, mean lesion diameter was greatest on cv. Norstar, followed by cvs. Benchmark and Fortress. The results establish that significant differences and, in some cases, interactions can be detected among isolates and MCGs of S. cepivorum and cultivars of A. cepa, using a detached onion scale ass...
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