Compositional and fluid pressure controls on the state of stress on the Nankai subduction thrust: A weak plate boundary

Autor: Kevin M. Brown, Achim J Kopf, Jill L. Weinberger, Michael B. Underwood
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 214:589-603
ISSN: 0012-821X
Popis: We show that both fault mineralogy and regional excess fluid pressure contribute to low resolved shear stresses on the Nankai subduction plate boundary off southwest Japan. Ring and direct shear tests indicate that saturated clay minerals in the fault possess intrinsically low residual friction coefficients (μr) at stress levels between 1.0 and 40 MPa. The direct shear μr values for purified smectite are ∼0.14±0.02, for illite ∼0.25±0.01, and for chlorite 0.26±0.02 (for point load velocities of 0.0001 mm/s). These clay minerals dominate the Nankai subduction decollement zone. Illite (plus quartz) is mechanically important in the altered incoming Muroto section and the predicted decollement μr should lie between 0.2 and 0.32. This low residual strength, together with elevated fluid pressure, limits shear stresses to below ∼4 MPa within the frontal ∼50 km of the subduction system, consistent with the low wedge taper in this region. A higher wedge taper off the Ashizuri peninsula indicates basal shear stresses rise slightly along strike towards this region. Our analysis indicates lower fluid pressures must predominantly be responsible because only small second order along strike variations in μr are predicted to occur as a result of variations in smectite and total clay content. These variations should be further reduced at depth under the wedge as smectite is diagenetically altered to illite. However, our data suggest the low μr values of the clay-rich decollement still limit shear stresses to between ∼17 and 29 MPa within the frontal ∼50 km of the wedge, consistent with other estimates of plate boundary weakness. Indeed, we propose that it should be expected that subduction plate boundaries like Nankai will be weak because of the intrinsic presence of clay-rich faults and moderate fluid overpressures. Our data do not support the hypothesis that the smectite-to-illite reaction directly controls the onset of seismogenic behavior deep in the Nankai system because there is already a mechanical dominance of illite (rather than smectite) in the shallow decollement zone, and we find all the clay phases tend to velocity strengthen. However, temperature-activated clay diagenesis and dehydration may cause secondary changes in the fault properties and state of stress across the up-dip limit of the seismogenic zone.
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