Вплив препарату Церебролізин на ЕЕГ-показники цереброваскулярних порушень у пацієнтів з «німими» інфарктами мозку

Autor: I.M. Nikishkova, V.M. Mishchenko
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 2307-1419
Popis: To assess the efficacy of therapy in patients with asymptomatic brain lesions, such as «silent» brain infarcts (SBI), a number of electroencephalography (EEG) parameters can be used, as there is a correlation between EEG parameters and indices of neuronal metabolism, and consequence of progressive EEG changes is associated closely with both current ischemia and recovery after ischemic events. The analysis of an influence of 3-week treatment course of Cerebrolysin (in the background of basic therapy) on the bioelectric brain activity was performed in 36 patients (mean age 54.00 ± 3.22 years) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of single SBI and in 24 patients (mean age 67.89 ± 1.84 years) with MRI signs of multiple SBI. The study shows that to assess the treatment efficacy in patients with asymptomatic brain lesions, EEG-correlates of disorders of the cerebral blood flow (a general EEG spectral power; index, spectral power, density of α- and δ-rhythms; (δ+θ)/(α+β) and α/δ ratio; the brain symmetry index (BSI) can be used. According to the most studies of EEG-parameters, Cerebrolysin had a positive and diffuse impact on the levels of the bioelectric brain activity in patients with SBI. In patients with asymptomatic brain lesions, BSI and EEG-parameters associated with neuronal activity of α-rhythm sources appeared to be most sensitive to the therapy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE