Interest and Ability: Amplifying or Compensating Factors for Teachers' Participation in Professional Development?

Autor: Lipowsky, Frank, Mayr, Johannes, Rzejak, Daniela, Fütterer, Tim
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Inspired by a previous study, we conducted in 2022 (Authors, 2022; see the preregistration here: on the conscientiousness × interest compensation (CONIC) model (Trautwein et al., 2019), which was applied to predict teachers' professional development (PD) behavior, we present a another study. In this study, we aim to gain insight into the predictive power of teachers’ interest and their self-assessed ability in different areas of professional teacher activity (e.g., prepare and conduct lessons) for their PD behavior. In particular, we are interested in whether teachers tend to further develop existing competencies in accordance with their interests (assumption of a catalytic function of PD) or whether teachers tend to compensate competency deficiencies for their weaknesses (assumption of an educative function of PD), provided they are interested in the PD content. The entire preregistration including Figure 1 and Appendix A can be viewed as a PDF in our OSF project:
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