Is There a Necessity for an Alternative Energy Source Instead of Natural Gas in the Industrial Sector of Turkey?

Autor: Mehmet Samet Erdem, Mustafa Kemal Beşer, Hakan Acaroğlu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics-Vol. 2 ISBN: 9783319275727
Popis: This paper examines the causality relationship between natural gas consumption in industry sector and industrial growth within Granger causality technique and ARDL (autoregressive distributed lagged) model, testing for the period of 1976–2013 in Turkey. We have three main factors to choose this subject as a study. First of all, energy is a vital production factor related to economic growth. Secondly, because of industrial sector is one of the main sector in developing countries and Turkey is one of the developing countries in the world, industry takes the priority in our research. Lastly, natural gas is the most used primary energy source at industry. During analyzing these three factors, we tried to find the answer of necessity of an alternative energy sources at industry in Turkey. According to results, it is found that there is no causality relationship between natural gas consumption in industry sector and economic growth. As a conclusion, we offer an economic policy that, Turkey should find an alternative energy sources to continuing its growth.
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