Review of Iris Presentation Attack Detection Competitions

Autor: David Yambay, Naman Kohli, Richa Singh, Stephanie Schuckers, Adam Czajka, Kevin W. Bowyer, Daksha Yadav, Mayank Vatsa, Afzel Noore
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing ISBN: 9783319926261
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing, 2nd Ed.
Popis: Biometric recognition systems have been shown to be susceptible to presentation attacks, the use of an artificial biometric in place of a live biometric sample from a genuine user. Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) is suggested as a solution to this vulnerability. The LivDet-Iris—Iris Liveness Detection Competition started in 2013 strives to showcase the state-of-the- art in presentation attack detection by assessing the software-based iris PAD methods (Part 1), as well as hardware-based iris PAD methods (Part 2) against multiple datasets of spoof and live fingerprint images. These competitions have been open to all institutions, industrial and academic, and competitors which can enter as either anonymous or using the name of their institution. There have been two previous fingerprint competitions through LivDet; 2013 and 2015. LivDet-Iris 2017 is being conducted during 2017. LivDet-Iris has maintained a consistent level of competitors for Part 1: Algorithms throughout the two previous competitions and 2017 competition has begun to garner further interest.
Databáze: OpenAIRE