Caractérisation de l'aptitude physique à l'effort chez l'enfant diabétique insulinodépendant par une étude électromyographique, cardiorespiratoire et métabolique

Autor: J.D. Lalau, H. Bony-Trifunovic, A. Merzouk, J.M. Race, D. Gamet, B. Boudailliez, Pierre Portero, S. Fendri
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: RBM-News. 21:193-199
ISSN: 0222-0776
Popis: In order to study physical adaptation of children with insulin dependent diabete mellitus (DID), two kinds of test were proposed: An isometric test as a force maintain (50% of volantary maximal force) in teg extension and an linear incremental test on ergocycle (from 20% to 100% of the maximal aerobic power during 8 min). For each test, electromyographic signal (EMG) of quadriceps muscle was characterised in the spectral domain by calculating total energy (ET) and mean power frequency (FM). During incremental test, cardio-respiratory variables (heart rate, O 2 consumption, CO 2 production) and metabolivariables (glycemia, lactatemie, and kaliemia) were measured. According to a healthy children group (SNS), DID showed in isometric condition a fatigability more important. In dynamic condition, changes m cardio-respiratoiry variables were similar while metabolic variables were differently modified. Changes in ET mid FM were illustrated by specific profiles for children with respect to adolescent children (quasilinear increase for ET, relative stability for FM). Using a discriminant analysis, SNS and DID children may be differencied. Thus, EMG signal reflects metabolic changes during incremental test and may be used to characterized DID physical aptitude.
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