Physiological state and reproductive qualities of sows when using probiotic preparations A2 and Immunoflor

Autor: N.I. Kulmakova, A.V. Obukhova, L B Leontyev, N. K. Kirillov, V. G. Semenov, O Yu Petrov, A. V. Aldyakov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 604:012023
ISSN: 1755-1315
Popis: The paper provides research and practice rationale for feasibility of using the complex probiotic preparations A2 and Immunoflor in the pig production and growing technology with the aim of improving reproductive qualities of sows through increasing nonspecific resistance of the organism. The probiotic preparations were given with the feed twice, at the beginning of pregnancy and 14 days before farrow, A2 in the amount of 1.62 g per animal in Experimental Group 1 and “Immunoflor” in the amount of 0.05 g per animal in Experimental Group 2. It was established that pig production from sows of both Experimental Groups 1 and 2 was 7.2 and 10.3 % higher, comparing that in the Control Group. At that, the number of healthy and viable pigs obtained from sows of the given experimental groups was reliably 8.5 and 12.5 % greater than in the Control Group (P < 0.01). The new complex probiotic agents A2 and Immunoflor, having significant antagonistic activity against putrefactive bacteria, decreased the mortinatality of pigs 1.4 and 2.1 times, respectively, increased litter size by 11.4 and 3.6 % and the milkability of sows by 4.2 kg and 4.7 kg.
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