Oral squamous cell carcinoma in a greater hedgehog tenrec ( Setifer setosus )

Autor: Carlos O. Rodriguez, Raymund F. Wack, Tara M. Harrison, Amanda Johnson, Sean M. Brady
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Veterinary Record Case Reports. 4
ISSN: 2052-6121
Popis: A five-year-old male greater hedgehog tenrec ( Setifer setosus ) presented with an oral mass and osteolysis of the mandible. Histopathology characterised the mass as a squamous cell carcinoma with extension into the alveolar bone. The patient was treated with intralesional bleomycin, clindamycin, meloxicam and enrofloxacin. After seven weeks of treatment, the animal9s condition declined. Radiographs indicated progression of the lesions. Due to its worsening clinical condition and poor response to therapy, the animal was humanely euthanased. This is the first description of squamous cell carcinoma in a greater hedgehog tenrec and the first reported use of intralesional bleomycin in this species.
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