Adding Precedence Relations to the Response-Time Analysis of EDF Distributed Real-Time Systems

Autor: Juan P. Uribe, J.C. Palencia, Unai Díaz-de-Cerio, Michael González Harbour
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: RTNS
DOI: 10.1145/2659787.2659802
Popis: Offset-based response time analysis is a technique introduced to eliminate some of the pessimism inherent to the holistic analysis developed to analyze schedulability in distributed and partitioned multiprocessor systems. The original offset-based response time analysis techniques for preemptive fixed-priority schedulers only considered precedence relations in an indirect way. The consideration of precedence relations has been demonstrated to be a good method to reduce the pessimism in that kind of analysis. This paper contains two main contributions: the extension of offset-based analysis to systems scheduled under the local-clock EDF policy, in which there is no clock synchronization mechanism; and the extension of this analysis by taking into account the effects of precedence relations, using similar procedures to those developed for fixed-priorities (FP). With this new analysis, we can reduce the pessimism of offset-based response-time analysis for EDF scheduled systems. This improvement enables us to achieve higher utilization of the processing resources in distributed systems when no clock synchronization is available.
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