Suction-Assisted Lipectomy with Simultaneous Skin Excision for Lymphedema - the 'Flying Squirrel' Technique

Autor: Oksana Babchenko, Weifeng Zeng, Wei F. Chen
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Peripheral Lymphedema ISBN: 9789811634833
Popis: Liposuction is an effective bulk-reducing treatment for solid predominant extremity lymphedema. The skin excess created as a result of bulk removal is traditionally left behind due to theoretical wound healing concerns of immediate skin resection. The resulting skin excess is presumed to resolve by spontaneous skin contracture. Problems associated with this approach include contour irregularity, seroma, hematoma, and skin necrosis. Having experienced the above-mentioned complications, we modified the technique by excising excess skin immediately following liposuction. The senior author (WFC) reviewed his experience of immediate skin excision following liposuction for extremity lymphedema, and found it to be safe, associated with lower risks of postoperative complications, and resulting in a higher patient satisfaction. In this chapter, authors share their experience with this new approach. After reading this chapter, the reader will gain knowledge in patient selection, excess skin assessment, technical pearls of skin excision, and postoperative care for these complex patients.
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