Advances in Technology for Storing Light Water Reactor Spent Fuel

Autor: Mikal A. McKinnon, E.Robert Gilbert, A. Burtron Johnson, Wendell J. Bailey
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Nuclear Technology. 89:141-161
ISSN: 1943-7471
DOI: 10.13182/nt90-a34342
Popis: By 2003, 58 U.S. commercial nuclear power plant units are expected to run out of wet storage space for light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel. This paper reports how, to alleviate this problem, utilities have implemented advanced storage methods that have increased storage capacity as well as reduced the rate of spent-fuel; generation. These methods include transshipping spent-fuel assemblies between pools within the same utility system, reracking pools to accommodate additional spent-fuel assemblies, taking credit for fuel burnup in pool storage rack designs, extending fuel burnup, rod consolidation, and dry storage.
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