D-SEA: The Underwater Depth Sensing Device for Standalone Time-Averaged Measurements

Autor: Robert Barlow, Xuanyi Yu, Eric Lo, Liren Chen, Curt Schurgers, Brian Sebastian, Eamon Patamasing, Ryan Kastner, Anfeng Xu, Dan Sturm, Charmaine Beluso
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: MASS Workshops
Popis: Access to accurate depth information is important for a wide variety of oceanographic science applications. For example, it is crucial in the creation of 3D models. Currently, divers are manually measuring the depth by using dive watches, but this method is inconsistent because of variable depth readings caused by changing wave heights and human errors. To combat these problems, we created the Depth-Sensor Enclosed Application (D-SEA) to automatically collect and average pressure data while displaying the calculated depth readings underwater. To use D-SEA, the user places it on top of the area of study to measure and gather the underwater depth readings over time. We are working on an affordable, waterproof prototype with a display that is readable underwater, an automatic transition between on and off states when submerged in seawater, and automatic data logging onto an SD card. From testing the recent prototype, results show that D-SEA lasted for weeks in the sleep state and days in the wake state while under depths of 4.40 meters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE