A utilização de parques urbanos como ferramenta pedagógica para o ensino das ciências ambientais na educação de jovens e adultos

Autor: Helena Midori Kashiwagi, Ednei Lisbôa
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This literary work seeks to highlight the importance of the public school as a real and effective possibility in facing contemporary socioenvironmental problems, using urban parks as non-formal educational spaces for the teaching of Environmental Sciences (ES), especially in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Among the main intentions proposed in the construction of this material, we highlight the intention to stimulate and intensify Environmental Education (EE) in schools; as well as strengthening the idea and the need for the teaching and learning of ES to be thought beyond the walls of the school, in non-formal learning spaces, such as, for example, forests, squares and urban parks. Other objectives related to the production of this material, refer to the need to establish and strengthen the bond of affection and belonging between human beings and nature. As a theoretical and methodological support, the ebook also provides indications for research in EE and the teaching of ES; suggestions for published books on EE; sites related to the environment and EE; examples of pedagogical practices developed by EJA educators, which were designed as suggestions for teaching ES in natural areas and built in the urban environment.Our wish is that this material, specially designed for you teacher, can contribute significantly to your pedagogical praxis, and that this material serves at least as an inspiring source for many other future pratices in the field of EE and in teaching. for ES.
Databáze: OpenAIRE