An Ethnographic Investigation into the Development of Engineers Without Borders USA Students During the Monitoring and Maintenance of a Potable Water System in Peru

Autor: Sarah Savage, Daniel Knight
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: FIE
Popis: This research category full paper is focused on the engineering co-curricular organization Engineers Without Borders (EWB) USA. This research investigates the travel experience of one group of EWB students at the University of Colorado, Boulder (CU) chapter from the Peru Team. The researcher was embedded as a participant observer on the EWB travel team joining the team on their trip to northern Peru where the team performed maintenance and monitoring tasks on a potable water system implemented the previous summer. The following research question was investigated: What are the impacts of the CU EWB travel experience on the development of CU engineering students? Several themes emerged from the analysis. The most prominent are: (1) Skill Development, throughout the experience the students were seen to gain skills not traditionally taught in an engineering classroom, (2) Passion, students involved with EWB commit many hours each week to the club and are passionate about what the club stands for, (3) Perspective, the students gained perspective on the world by traveling to a new place and experiencing a new culture, and (4) Career Interests, this trip made students more aware of the unique ways they can use their engineering skill sets.
Databáze: OpenAIRE