Microbiota regulation of development of thymic microbiota-specific T cells

Autor: Daniel Fernando Zegarra Ruiz, Dasom V. Kim, Fatima B. Saldana-Morales, Amanda Chen, Wan-Jung Wu, Randy S. Longman, Matthew L. Bettini, Gretchen E. Diehl
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Journal of Immunology. 208:113.10-113.10
ISSN: 1550-6606
Popis: While exposure to microbial antigens in peripheral sites causes expansion of antigen-specific T cells, a role for antigen-specific expansion had not been identified during T cell development in the thymus. We recently found that intestinal colonization induced intestinal dendritic cells migration to the thymus, driving thymic expansion of microbiota-specific T cells early in life. In contrast, colonization in adulthood leads to expansion of peripheral but not thymic microbiota-specific T cells. Thymic microbiota-specific T cells developed early in life were undifferentiated and caused intestinal inflammation in immunocompromised hosts upon antigen reencounter. We sought to understand regulation of this developmental window and define if thymic expansion of microbiota-specific T cells could be restarted in adult mice. We found that microbiota manipulation reestablished expansion of microbiota-specific T cells in the thymus of adult mice. We are in the process of characterizing these T cells in adulthood to assess their impact on intestinal inflammation. Our data suggests that intestinal colonization controls the generation of thymic microbiota-specific T cells which has the potential to modulate inflammatory processes.
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